5. marts 2012

listen, and feel it.


this song means so much to me.
now know that the best girl in  my life care about me, and i know that she will fight to the end for me!
that means the world, because when im sick and down-she will be there.

2. februar 2012

i will..

i will try in every way, to show you everyday, how much i love you!
because you are my only one.

Listen to it...do it nooooow, so damn sweet

if tommorow never comes? would you know how much i love you?

AWESOME! Thats pretty fun


can you feel the romance?

One step at time.. in these shoes please!

Did you say something? im going to kick your ass!


Christian Louboutin!
Give me

some sweet tatoos

pretty nice... i like it


i want something like this !

we are beautiful no matter what they say

why make our difference to a bad thing?

Diva is a female, and she is going to kill you!

29. januar 2012

længe siden

det længe siden jeg har blogget.....desværre!
det er sket en hel masse ting i mit liv. gode som dårlige, som jeg rigtigt gerne vil fortælle om! nogle gange er det en start at fortælle til nogle man ikke kender...

jeg vil til og blogge igen og håber på et par ekstra læsere vil finde ''one piece of something interessant!'' 
følg mig og spred rygtet! jeg vil gøre mit bedste!

let's have some fun ;)
-simone marland

19. oktober 2011


hippie- dont look at that face! LOL!
new bag!:) do you like???

Heeey its nice to see that i have alot of people looking at my page, but i only got 4 followers...-But i love them!
today im chilling in a town called Haslev with my dad's wife....after 3 hours cat catching in the garden! lol. i had been going for a run, and, today i pick up my little brother from his nanny. :) after that we went to the supermarket together! So lovely... i miss my sister.....and tonight im going to sleep at Anders place....but acctually i really wanna go in town, and have fun..but no matter whaaat, its gonna be nice, to chill out, after yesterday's party. i was so damn drunk! and we had so much fun, danced to alot of old songs!:p lol lol lol.
xoxo simone

Intro tour 2011

martins, boxer shorts as our flag. that was pretty fun!